2: Teacher Directed

Lesson 2 uses a teacher directed strategy. Students learn how to write a journalistic article, then publish it to their blogs.

Name: Elizabeth Navarro, Educator                                     Grade: 10

LESSON #2                              GARDNER                               BLOOM
                                                ___Visual                                  ___Knowledge
                                                ___Kinesthetic                           ___Comprehension
                                                _x_Verbal                                 _x_Application
                                                ___Logical                                ___Analysis
                                                ___Rhythmic                             ___Synthesis
                                                ___Interpersonal                        ___Evaluation
STRATEGY: Teacher Directed

SUBJECT AREA: English/Language Arts, History/Social Sciences

TEACHER PERFORMANCE EXPECTATION ADDRESSED: TPE 4: Making Content Accessible- Use activities, experiences, and instructional materials to make state standards accessible. Use written and oral presentation, models, and computer technology.

English/Language Arts
Research and Technology
1.8: Design and publish documents by using advanced publishing software and graphic programs (225).

History/Social Sciences
World History, Culture, and Geography: The Modern World
10.11: Students will analyze the integration of countries into the world economy and the information, technology, and communications revolutions (139).

PERSONNEL: None required

INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS (Technology): Computer station (4 computers), internet access, projector, Powerpoint software.
http://goop.com (Lifestyle)

LESSON LENGTH: 60 minutes

  • Learning Centers- Table with newspapers, magazines, and printed articles. Computer station (4 computers with internet), handout listing blogs to browse.
  • Chairs- Concentric arcs
  • Preassessment- Journal entry written on board.
  • “You are a reporter. Write a one-page article about last Friday’s assembly.”
  • Share entries with a neighbor. Have one volunteer read aloud to the class. 
  • Handout- “Are zero tolerance policies too harsh?” by Mary Nash-Wood
  • PowerPoint presentation explains leads, inverted pyramid, target audience, and 5 W’s + H.

  • Students follow procedure by completing entry in daily journals upon coming to class.
  • Students who do not raise their hands are not called on.

Behavioral Objective (Do): The students will write a news article.

            Transfer (Learning theory/citations):
“The developmental roots of two fundamental, cultural forms of behavior arise during infancy: the use of tools and human speech” (p. 46).
Vygotsky, L.S. (1978). Mind in Society. The Development of Higher Psychological Processes.
Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.

Motivation (Teacher Created): Hand students a “press pass” as they enter classroom. 

  • Preassessment (Journal entry- see preparation)
  • Share entries with partners. One volunteer read aloud to class.
  • Hand out “Are zero tolerance policies too harsh?” and read aloud with class.
  • Ask students differences they noticed between their own articles and “Are zero tolerance policies too harsh.” (Was it organized differently? Did it answer different questions?)
  • Show Powerpoint. Discuss leads, inverted pyramid, 5 H+ W, and audience. Compare to “Zero tolerance” article throughout. Students take notes in notebooks.
  • Students identify aspects in “Zero tolerance” article.
  • Conclude presentation by identifying target audience.
  • Explain how students’ journal entries would be more thorough if they contained elements covered.
MODEL (Demo):
  • Read aloud article from handout.
  • Show Powerpoint (images, words, pictures).
  • Show magazine examples while identifying target audience.

GUIDED PRACTICE (Checking for understanding - group) LEARNING TASKS (Activities):
Students independently find a magazine article, newspaper article, or blog article at learning centers and identify the presence or lack of the elements learned in class. Return to seat and discuss articles with desk partner. Teacher circulates to hear discussion, answer questions, and check for understanding.

Students attend a school event (assembly, club meeting, sporting event, concert) and write a 500-word news article that includes elements learned in class: lead, inverted pyramid, 5W +H, and target audience (school community). Include a photo or illustration, and upload final draft blog.

Review elements that go in students’ articles. Remind students of deadline- one week.

DIFFERENTIATED LEARNING ACTIVITIES (Learning centers, manipulatives, special needs, etc):
Gate: Write longer articles, conduct interviews at events, or write fictional articles that take place in a time period they have read or learned about.
Challenged: Fill out graphic organizer for 5W’s +H before drafting article.
Handicapped (Wheel Chair): May either attend school event or watch event on television (sport, tournament, concert, award show.)
SDAIE Techniques:
    • Visual aides
    • Reading aloud

ASSESSMENT (Objective verb): Write      RUBRIC (What does it measure?): Students’ ability to write an article.
Informal: Preassesment, observation during Powerpoint and guided practice activity.
            1 point- Lead
            6 points- Who, what, when, where, why, how (1 point each)
            1 point- Target Audience (School community)
            1 point- Inverted pyramid pattern
            1 point- Picture, photo, or illustration
            3 points- Correct use of punctuation, grammar, and spelling
1 point- Uploaded to blog

            Total= 14 points

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