4: Discussion

Students participate in a class discussion about internet safety, privacy, and cyber bullying. After the discussion, students must create an internet code of conduct that they will follow in and out of class. They publish their codes of conduct to their blogs.

Name: Elizabeth Navarro, Educator                                     Grade: 10

LESSON #4                              GARDNER                               BLOOM
                                                ___Visual                                  ___Knowledge
                                                ___Kinesthetic                           _x_Comprehension
                                                ___Verbal                                 ___Application
                                                ___Logical                                ___Analysis
                                                ___Rhythmic                             ___Synthesis
                                                ___Interpersonal                        ___Evaluation
STRATEGY: Discussion

SUBJECT AREA: English/Language Arts

Observe and guide students as they discuss an issue that affects their lives every day. In observing the discussion, the teacher will learn about students’ abilities, interests, and interactions with one another.

English/Language Arts
1.1: Formulate judgments about the ideas under discussion and support those judgments with convincing evidence (227).

2.6: Write technical documents (e.g., a manual on rules of behavior for conflict resolution, procedures for conducting a meeting, minutes of a meeting):
a. Report information and convey ideas logically and correctly.
b. Offer detailed and accurate specifications.
c. Include scenarios, definitions, and examples to aid comprehension (e.g., troubleshooting guide).
d. Anticipate readers’ problems, mistakes, and misunderstandings (226).

PERSONNEL: None required

  • Cut outs of signals for discussion. They resemble Facebook actions- a “like” or a thumbs up sign (indicating agreement) and a “comment” sign (indicating a student would like to say something.)
  • Laptop (internet access) connected to projector.
  • http://www.foothill.edu/services/conduct.php
  • www.google.com

LESSON LENGTH: 60 minutes

  • Chairs set up in a circle.
  • Create discussion signs.
  • Learning Center- Add handouts about internet safety, cyber bullying, and privacy. 
  • Find student in advance whose name is “Google-able” and yields correct search results. Ask that student if it would be ok to use him/her as an example.

§  Students use signs to participate in discussion. “Like” for agreement and “comment” to comment.
§  Discussion is a negativity-free zone. No put-downs about other students’ contributions and no names of students in class. Students who cannot handle this expectation will be asked to leave circle.
Behavioral Objective (Do): Students will write a personal code of ethics about internet use. 

            Transfer (Learning theory/citations):
“The tendency is to take the shortest cuts possible to gain the required end. This makes the subjects mechanical, and thus restrictive to reflective power…But there is all the difference in the world whether the acquisition of information is treated as an end in itself, or is made an integral portion of the training of thought.”

Dewey, John. (1997). How We Think. Boston, MA: Dover.

Motivation (Teacher Created):  Use computer and projector to “find” name of student in the class. Show class various search results and explain that everything can be “searchable.” 

DISCUSSION TOPIC/PROBLEM: Internet safety and privacy

§  Students find chair in circle.
§  Google student name and explain “searchability.”
§  Pass out discussion signals and explain how they are used.
§  Guide discussion using the 12 questions (see Guided Practice). Keep students on task, interjecting only when necessary to move the discussion in a particular direction or to increase participation.
§  After the discussion, teacher will give the Code of Conduct assignment.
§  Explain Code of Conduct format:
§  Introduction (brief statement about personal beliefs)
§  List three ways you WILL use the internet (explain each in 3-5 sentences)
§  List three ways you WILL NOT use the internet (explain each in 3-5 sentences)
§  Write a personal consequence of what will happen if you do not follow the code. (ex. No internet use for a week, written apology, no Facebook, etc…)
MODEL (Demo):
§  Demonstrate how to use the discussion signals.
§  Show how a person can be easily found online. (Lack of privacy.)
§  Give Code of Conduct example from Foothill college. http://www.foothill.edu/services/conduct.php

GUIDED PRACTICE (Checking for understanding - group) LEARNING TASKS (Activities):
Discussion Questions (Using Bloom’s Taxonomy):
  1. What is one way that you use the internet to communicate? (Each student must respond.) Knowledge
  2. Do your parents have rules at your house regarding the internet? What are the rules? (Discussion begins. Students can raise their discussion signals to respond.) Comprehension
  3. Do you know all of your Facebook (or other social networking website) friends in person? Knowledge
  4. How much do you think is too much to share on the internet? Application
  5. Do you feel that it is easier to say things to a person online than it is to say to their face? Why or why not? Application
  6. What is cyber bullying? Analysis
  7. Have you ever been a victim of cyber bullying? How did it make you feel? Analysis
  8. Have you ever been a cyber bully? Comprehension
  9. If you have a younger sibling, what is some advice you would tell him or her about being safe on the internet? Synthesis
  10. Would you be able to show your parents, your future college, or your future boss your Facebook page without hiding anything? What do you think they would think about you if they saw it? Synthesis
  11. What do you think your Facebook activity says about you? Is it an accurate depiction of who you really are? Why or why not? Evaluation
  12. What do you think it says about other people? Is it an accurate depiction of who they really are? Why or why not? Evaluation

Students write a personal code of conduct about their internet use and upload it to their blogs. Model two different examples. Show format and example.

Review assignment and deadline (two days). Challenge students to abide by their codes of conduct.

DIFFERENTIATED LEARNING ACTIVITIES (Learning centers, manipulatives, special needs, etc):
Gate: Search internet for statistics or stories about cyber bullying, internet safety, and privacy to share with the teacher and the class.
Challenged: Encouraged to use  discussion signals, especially “like.” Ask simple, direct questions like, “Bobby, do you agree with what Sarah said?” “Thank you, Bobby, that was very helpful.”
Handicapped (Wheel Chair): Student will have a space in the circle for his wheel chair easily accessible from the door.  
SDAIE Techniques:
§  Props/Realia
§  Variety of question types

ASSESSMENT (Objective verb): Write      RUBRIC (What does it measure?): Students’ ability to write a personal code of ethics.

Informal: Discussion questions and responses

            Formal: RUBRIC FOR CODE OF CONDUCT
            1 point = introduction
            3 points = how student WILL use internet
            3 points= how student WILL NOT use internet
            2 points= addresses both privacy and safety
            1 point = consequence if the code is violated
3 point = correct grammar, spelling, punctuation, etc…
            1 point = thoughtfulness in responses
            1 point = uploaded to blog
            Total = 15 points

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